The Safeway eScrip program is a fantastic program where schools can earn money from purchases families are already making at their local Safeway store.
Over 37 Oak Grove families have registered their Safeway Club Card numbers and now every time they shop a percentage of what they spend is coming back to Oak Grove Elementary.
Want to be a part of this great program? Look for a sign up form to come home soon.
Please note that on the sign up form you are asked for your Safeway Club Card number, not your phone number. The Club Card number is what is used to register you in the eScrip program.
The money that is generated from this program has gone to many different Oak Grove Elementary school programs, including transportation for field trips, classroom supplies, and new technology in the classroom.
Thank you Safeway for continuing to fund this program even as the economy has slumped. We VERY much appreciate your support and look forward to continuing our partnership with you to fund youth education!