Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Giftcard/Scrip Calendar Out

The 2011 Giftcard/Scrip calendar is available now. New order forms can be picked up outside the Oak Grove office.

The Giftcard/Scrip program is a fundraiser where you spend money only for things that you need. One hundred percent of the money you spend on a giftcard comes back to you! Merchants donate a portion of their profit from the giftcard back to our school.

Buy giftcards (scrip) through Oak Grove PTO before you go shopping for groceries, buy movie tickets, or pick up a cup of coffee.

Participating in this fundraiser is easy; pick up an order form outside the school office or print it off the PTO website through the giftcard/scrip link. Turn in your order by 8 am on Tuesday and pick up your giftcards the following Friday morning in the school office.

Another bonus of this program--HALF of the profit from your giftcard/scrip purchases go into a special family account to help your family pay for 6th grade Outdoor School.

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